A Sword in the Sky Read online

Page 3

  “What the hell is that?” Aurora asked.

  “Magic. The long part is obviously a little dildo, and the cup fits over your clit. It feels great, or so I’m told. It’s the latest in sex toys.”

  “And why do you just happen to have one on the plane?” Aurora asked. “And how the heck did you get through security with that one?”

  Clay laughed. “I don’t know what they thought, but if they’d asked, I was prepared to go into great and explicit detail about what it was, and where it goes. It would have been hilarious!”

  “Yeah. And you would have missed your plane, too.”

  “Probably. But think of the story it would have made.”

  “You get yourself in trouble a lot?”

  Clay nodded sheepishly, but Aurora could see that his misbehavior was also a point of pride. “That’s really, really immature of you,” she said.

  “It’s been said,” he agreed. “But it keeps things interesting. Now, would you put this on, and tell me how it feels, when you can get up to use the rest-room?”

  The plane took another little jump. “Sure,” Aurora said. “Seeing as it’s unlikely the pilot’s ever going to turn the seatbelt light off with this turbulence.”

  “You look like a woman of your word,” Clay said solemnly. Aurora burst out laughing, and in a moment, he joined her. “Okay. On to your fantasy.”

  Clay shut his eyes for a moment, then began. “Seeing how beautiful you are, you have no lack of male attention, but you never open yourself up to the pleasures of that attention. You prefer a romance with an unattainable illusion to the depth of a real love. The few times you have allowed your feelings to be known, you were too late. But today, you wake up, and feel a bit different. Your senses are attuned to every sound, every smell, as you shower and dress for work. You feel, somehow, that there’s a magic quality to the very air that you breathe.

  “You get on the bus, and everyone looks happy to you. Women smile at you, men nod pleasantly. One even gets up and gives you his seat. You hesitate, normally you would decline, feeling the gesture is too retro for comfort, but something makes you accept his courtesy. He smiles and gets off at the next stop.

  “You get to work, and it’s stifling. Someone has left the heat on overnight, and the day is unseasonably balmy to begin with. You take off your sweater, leaving only your tank top on. It isn’t professional, but it’s comfortable. You get to work, but it’s only ten when you realize that you can’t get anything done here. You decide to go for a walk.

  “Once you’re outside, the fabulous mood you were in returns. You stroll along the creek, enjoying the play of the breeze on your body. Your nipples stiffen a bit in the wind, and you feel a delight in the sensation. You think to caress them, and seeing no one around, you run your fingers lightly over them. They tingle.

  “You look for a private place in the trees,” Clay continued.

  “Hey, that’s my story!” Aurora said. “Make up your own!”

  “We overlap there, sorry,” Clay replied. “Now, where was I? Oh yeah. So you find yourself a little bench sheltered on all sides by trees, where you can see the creek but you’re hidden from view. You lift your skirt, and touch yourself lightly. A shiver of pleasure runs through you, and you feel your panties moistening. You can’t believe you’re really doing this, but you slip a finger under the elastic, and rub your clit a little. The sensation is sharp and sweet, and makes you want more. You open your legs and put your feet on the bench, so your knees are spread wide.

  “You dip a finger into your slit, and out a few times, enjoying the moisture. Then you use that moisture to enhance your sensations on your pleasure point. You shut your eyes to concentrate. As your pleasure builds, you realize the risk in what you’re doing. Normally, that would stop you cold, but today, you want to take risks. For once, you want to feel everything completely.

  “Then, to your shock and horror, you hear a rustle. Then a hand comes around and over your mouth, silencing a scream in your throat. You pull your hands away from yourself, but another hand grabs your wrist. You can feel that these are a man’s hands, and you can sense that their grip is inescapable. But there’s something familiar about his scent, and it’s a reassuring, alluring familiarity. This is someone you know, or want to know. ‘Keep going,’ says a male voice behind you. ‘I’ll watch.’

  “You don’t know what to do. You can’t keep going, because there is nothing to go on. Fear is not an aphrodisiac to you, and you’re frozen in place. But at the same time, you know that if you can just see him, you’ll be fine. He senses that you’re overwhelmed. ‘Don’t worry,’ he says. ‘I won’t hurt you if you do what I say. Now, back to what you were doing.’ You take your free hand, and put it over your mound. ‘More,’ he says. ‘Take your panties off.’ He’s still got one hand over your mouth, but it’s almost symbolic, in that you could twist out of it easily.

  “He releases his grip on your other hand. You know you have to obey. You shut your eyes, and pull your panties off. But having your eyes shut intensifies your other senses, so you open them again.

  “The man pulls you into him, so your head is resting against his crotch, and you can feel his arousal. But he smells good, and his pants are nice and clean. He pins you to himself with his hand on your mouth. With his now free hand, he pulls your skirt up, so you’re exposed from the waist down. ‘Put your feet back up on the bench, and spread your legs wide.’

  “You obey. He reaches down and strokes your nipple. You squirm under his touch, but it sends an electric signal to your clit, and your knees spread of their own volition. This is the first good look you have of his hand. It’s large, and strong, and he’s wearing a signet ring. You wrack your brains to place that ring. But again, it’s reassuring. ‘Don’t come, under any circumstances,’ he says, ‘because if you do you will have to suck me. Now touch yourself.’“

  “That’s disgusting,” Aurora interrupted. “That’s a man’s fantasy, not a woman’s.”

  ‘I’ll bet you’re soaking wet from it,” Clay said.

  “I’m not.”

  “Put a blanket over yourself and let me feel.”

  “No way. Go on with your story.”

  At that moment, the captain’s voice came over the speakers. “Ladies and gentlemen, we’re at cruising altitude, and it looks smooth for a while. I’m going to turn off the seat belt sign, and let you get up for a bit.” He reminded them to keep their belts on when seated. Aurora looked at her watch. She was amazed. An hour and a half had passed, and there was only an hour left of the flight, at most. It had been a very entertaining, if not weird, ride.

  “Aha!” Clay exclaimed. “Now you get to keep your promise!” He handed her the little bag with the sex toy, with a wide grin. “See you soon!”

  Aurora felt herself blush. “No.”

  The grin faded from Clay’s face. “A promise is a promise. You have to keep your word.” He looked at her deeply, all sparkle gone from his green eyes.

  “Do you always keep your promises?” she asked.

  “Always,” he answered solemnly. “Always.”

  She felt strangely stirred. Well, it had been a strange ride. “Fine. But I can’t believe I’m doing this.”

  He smiled lightly. “I can. You’re ready for a new life, and so am I. This was fated, Aurora. But go, before the pilot puts that damn light back on.”

  She squeezed by him, and he did not touch her. That certainly surprised her. It somehow made him more honorable, despite the insane thing she was about to do. She slipped into the tiny restroom and bolted the door.

  She pulled her slacks down, and her panties. She was not surprised at the moisture on them. She had been trembling with desire since the stories started. She felt her clit. It was swollen and sensitive. She slipped a finger inside herself, and it was dripping. Clay was right; she was very, very hot.

  She opened the little bag and examined the toy. It was nicely shaped, not too big, but designed for maximum pleasure. The clit ca
p, though, was something she’d never seen before. It was soft, but with a little round hard spot at the center. “Here goes,” she said to herself. She slipped the dildo in, and put the cap in place. As soon as she nestled it in, she felt the suction. She shivered as it sent a wild thrill through her.

  Wow, she thought. She wondered if she could get through the rest of the story with that device in place. Would she be coming right there in the seat? Now this, she thought, is really interesting.

  When she got back to her seat, Clay rose to let her in. This time, though, he stopped her as she faced him, and put his arms around her. He pulled her in close, and held her to him. He smelled of sage. She nestled into his arms, and for a moment felt completely, totally at ease. “Aurora,” he said into her hair.

  She looked up at him, really seeing him in a new way. He was gorgeous, and so tall that she came barely up to his chin. His face was chiseled, he was spectacularly well built, and his eyes were kind and bright. She didn’t answer, but put her face back into his chest. He ran his hand down her back, and lightly over her derriere. She felt a quiver of desire, which translated immediately into a surge of yearning. She moved away. That damn toy was going to make her crazy!

  “How’s it feel?” he asked as she sat down. Sitting sent another surge through her, and she squirmed. He laughed. “You are a brave and lusty woman!”

  “And a crazy one,” she added.

  “Now, where was I? Oh, yeah. So, there you are, on the park bench, with your skirt around your waist. The stranger has taken your panties, and slipped them into his pocket. He’s still got his hand over your mouth, and his other hand is stroking your breasts freely. Your feet are on the bench, and your legs are spread.

  “You touch yourself, but you don’t know if you want to, or if you don’t. ‘“Put two fingers inside your pussy,’ he says. You recoil at the thought, and his hand presses harder on your mouth. He pinches your nipple, and you obey. You slide them in and out, in and out, while he fondles your breast.

  “Suddenly, he lets go of your mouth, your breast, he’s no longer touching you. You try to turn around to see him, but he is too quick. He has taken his silk tie off, and he binds it around your eyes. He catches your hands, and with your panties, he ties them in front of you. You’re helpless unless you scream, kick, or tear the blindfold off. The whole situation is now in your control, and out of your control as well. You can choose to scream, and you know that someone will hear. Or you can allow him to have his way with you.

  “With strong hands, he lays you down on the bench, lifting one leg over the back of the bench, so you are spread wide. He begins to touch you, expertly, confidently. ‘Don’t come,’ he reminds you. His large fingers enter you, and fill you in a way your smaller ones never could. He flicks and teases your clit, and then presses on it, while his other hand plays with your labia. You are so aroused you begin to writhe, but you know you dare not come.

  “Then, you feel a warmth, and you experience his tongue, licking and toying with your clit, while his fingers slide in and out. You can’t bear it much longer, no one has done that to you in years, and your passion builds uncontrollably. Your back arches, your buttocks tighten, and deep within you a relentless throbbing starts, and pounds its way into your vagina with a gush of wetness that covers his hand with dew. You cry out, despite your resolve, and the wave crashes inside you and you liquefy in his hands.

  “He holds your legs apart, making you feel every thrust and throb, until the crescendo ebbs, and you begin to breathe again. You sigh with relief. He pulls you up, and holds you tight. He lifts the tie from your eyes, and you look into his face. He’s the man you have dreamed of in your most secret dreams. He unties your hands, and you embrace.

  “‘Now,’ he says, ‘your turn.’ Shall I go on, Aurora?”

  Aurora’s breath was coming in short gasps. She was so close to coming that she had to squeeze her legs together to stop it, but somehow, that made it worse. They were leaning close to one another, no longer separated by a seat, and Clay was speaking quietly into her hair. She pulled up and looked at him. His face was flushed, his eyes glittered, and he was clearly as aroused as she.

  “No,” she said. “I think that’s enough.”

  “Yeah,” Clay breathed. “I’d better go take care of something.”

  “Ladies and gentlemen, we are beginning our final descent into the San Francisco airport. Please make sure your seatbelts are securely fastened.”

  “Oh no!” they both said in unison, and laughed.

  “I can’t believe we’re here already!” Aurora said. And now I have to keep the damn thing in until we get off the plane, she added to herself.

  “I’m stuck with a boner until we get off the plane!” Clay exclaimed. “But don’t worry, Aurora, I’ve got one more surprise for you, after we land.”


  “It’s a surprise, right, so I can’t tell you.”

  Aurora rolled her eyes, but smiled. She felt so close to Clay, and yet she knew nothing at all about him, except his sexual fantasies.

  “Tell me why you happened to have this little toy with you on the plane,” she said.

  Clay looked a little sheepish. “I have to do a story on it, interview its inventor, as part of my job interview. She sent me a sample, and I just brought it back with me. I had no one to try it out on at home.”

  “So I’m just material for a story?!” Aurora exclaimed furiously.

  “No! No, nothing like that. Though I’ll include you, if you’d like to tell me your symptoms and feelings,” he added.


  “No, Aurora, please. I never even thought of that. Really. This has been wonderful. You are the most straightforward, beautiful, sensual woman I have ever met. Please don’t be angry.”

  Aurora sat as close to the window as she could. She blinked back tears. Her arousal had faded quickly, and she just felt the foreign object in her body as an alien piece of plastic. Damn him. She knew better than to trust a man, and here she had opened herself, literally and figuratively, to a total stranger. She was angry, and more, she was completely humiliated.

  The plane bumped down softly onto the tarmac and began its taxi to the gate. She could hear Clay fumble in his pack. “Aurora, please. Here’s my card, with my cell phone on it. Call me. I’ll be here for a week, researching and writing my story, as well as interviewing in person. I don’t want you to be mad. Please?”

  She kept her face to the window. He put his hand on her arm. “Aurora. Look at me, please. I’m sorry you’re hurt, but there’s nothing to be hurt about.” Out of the corner of her eye, she saw him stuff the card in her bag. They waited in silence for the plane to come to a stop.

  As soon as the engines stopped, the planeload of people began to reach for their belongings. Aurora had to look away from the window, and Clay was waiting. He held out his arms to her. It was hard to resist. She smiled a little, but did not take his hands. “Call me, please?” he implored.

  “I’ll think about it,” she said, and inside, she started to thaw.

  He stood back to let her precede him out of the plane. As she walked through the narrow aisle, the toy made its presence known again inside her. It was an odd feeling, but pleasant, and the pleasure increased as she walked.

  “Good bye, thank you,” said the flight attendant.

  “Ooh!” exclaimed Aurora. The attendant’s eyebrows rose, but she didn’t respond. She was on autopilot, saying good-bye to the passengers, and her gaze went on to the next one. “Ooh oh!” Aurora said again. The toy had buzzed. And buzzed again. The vibration went deep into her body, and right on to her clit. And again. She almost tripped in the Jet way.

  She whirled around to face Clay, whose face was split into a big grin. In his hand he held a little box. “Remote control! That’s the surprise!”

  “Give me that!” she exclaimed. He held it high above her reach, and buzzed her again. The sensation was powerful and delightful, or would be under different
circumstances. He buzzed a long, low buzz, and then a couple of quick sharp ones. Aurora almost leapt out of her shoes. “Stop it!”

  Clay put his arm around her. “Let’s not hold up traffic!” He gave her another quick buzz. She practically jumped into his arms.

  “Quit that now!” she said, but she was laughing. She felt him hardening, and to her surprise, she gave him a quick rub.

  “Hey!” he said. “I’ve got enough trouble walking as it is!”

  Arm in arm they continued up the jet way, and every couple of steps he made the toy vibrate. By the time they got to the gate, both were breathing a little hard. He pulled her off to a corner, behind a pillar. People rushed by, ignoring the embracing couple. His mouth dropped to hers, and they kissed, long and deep. He slipped his hands under her coat, around her back. His lips, hard and tender at once, covered hers. Their tongues joined in battle.

  Aurora felt the vibrations start again, and she pressed herself against Clay. He moved to share as much of the pleasure as he could. The sensations got stronger. “Not here,” Aurora whispered.

  “Here,” Clay replied, pressing hard on the remote.

  Aurora couldn’t reply. The vibrations on her clit, and deep inside her, right on the G-spot, made her tremble. She was going to come, standing in the airport. She moaned softly, and Clay covered her mouth with his. She felt her whole body tense, and she pulled him to her. “Oh my God!” she exclaimed into his mouth. His kiss absorbed her cry, and he pulled her into himself as she burst into a passionate throbbing.

  He held her close and his big frame muted her thrashing. At last he released the remote, and let her breathe. She panted softly, and laid her head on his chest. He stroked her hair. Finally, she looked up at him. He smiled.

  “Aurora, this is crazy, but I’m falling in love with you,” he said.

  “I’m falling in love with the remote!” She held out her hand and he dropped the remote into it.

  She disentangled herself from him. She could see the bulge in his pants. She had had her release, but he had not. She ran a finger over the bulge. “Too bad for you,” she said, and smiled.